Thursday, August 07, 2008

Laughter:: The Best Medicine?

So. I said I'd blog every other day. Whatever. That was before I broke a tooth; fell off a bike and sprained my hand (while explaining "Why-you-shouldn't-be-afraid-to-ride" to a 7-year-old); tore two contact lenses; and spent seven hours in the emergency room while my dad was poked, probed and patronized. These events occur, of course, but should they happen in a week's time? No. Nada. Never. Not again.

So bruised, tired and quite crabby, I perused the web (one-handed, of course) to cheer myself up. I managed to find a few tidbits to temper my grumpiness. Sharing is a picker-upper, so here's my take on things floating in cyberspace.

Really made me guffaw:: Yesterday's press release from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The folks there claim hospital ER waiting time has increased by 28 minutes. Okaaaay. The wait is now one hour, up from 38 minutes, the CDC announced. One hour? Are they serious? I've never spent less than three hours in any emergency room. Were the CDC people referring to veterinary emergency centers? One hour in ER? Surely they jest. But you can read a report here.

Scotty -- Beam him back up:: I feel rude for chuckling at this, but, really: What are the odds of such an event? James Doohan, otherwise known as Chief Engineer Scotty from TV's Star Trek, was supposed to be eternally enshrined in space when his cremains (the remains after his death) were put on SpaceX Falcon 1. Unfortunately for Doohan and the others who pre-planned their last great adventure, the rocket didn't reach orbit. Worse yet -- his ashes were destroyed in the failed launch. Read the captain's log, I mean, article, here. Yes, Mr. Spock, illogical.

Way to describe what ails you:: It's a "scum-sucking pig of a disease that treats everyone differently." That's how actress and funny lady Teri Garr describes MS, the condition that plagued her 17 years before she got a diagnosis. Great story about her current status here; she's an inspiration. There's no cure for MS; why not?

Reasons why Baby Boomers rock:: An uplifting article in AARP magazine (it's not your grandma's magazine, anymore, bay-bee), explains why anyone older than 49 will appreciate "50 Reasons To Love Being Over 50." Drum roll, please, for number 14: "Because if Keith Richards (of The Rolling Stones, of course) can make it into his 6os, there's hope for us all."

A couple of health-scare moments for him include an incident in 1996. While he was reaching for a book in his home library, he got pummeled by an avalanche of texts, suffering three broken ribs and a punctured lung. Ouch. Another health scare happened in 2000, when he fell out of a coconut tree in Fiji. How he got in a coconut tree is anyone's guess, but it made me laugh.

In honor of the Olympics, a quote o' the day:: "If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do all the rest have to drown, too?" ~ Steven Wright

Just to make me laugh, another quote 'o the day:: "I got kicked out of ballet class because I pulled a groin muscle. It wasn't mine." ~Rita Rudner

And for no reason, another quote o' the day:: "If only someone would do for cows what Bambi did for deer. Cows have been in films, but they haven't starred. I'm still willing to eat a species that is only a supporting player." ~Paula Poundstone

I feel sooo much better. As long as a Hummer doesn't pull in front of me in the McDonald's drive-through (that was last night's "where's that flesh-eating bacteria when you need it" moment), I'll be back.

That's all she wrote. One-handed. Today. Until the next time...

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