Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Make my day

(You, too, can produce a stickynote here.)

Wednesday, right on time:: Smack dab in the middle of the week. Not a bad bit of 24 hours, except for those of us born on hump day. You know that old piece of prose:: "Sunday's child is full of grace..." Well, if you spout the whole thing, apparently the only rotten time to be born is on a Wednesday, because the "child is full of woe." So woe is me.

That said, I'd like to share how I wasted, I mean productively helped the world, on this fine day.

I like to waste time on occasion as I rocket through cyberspace, as evidenced above. You, too, can while the hours away at The Generator Blog.

Happy -- but sober -- time:: Chris Gregoire, 61, the governor of Washington State, was not unhappy that she forgot her ID when she and some staffers went out to eat. She got carded. For more on a story that will thrill all female baby boomers, check the story here. There's a photo of her, and though she's a nice-looking woman, I'm pretty sure most barkeeps would know she was legal. I'm sure she didn't care that the guy didn't recognize from, oh, say TV, when she's discussing state matters.

It's about time:: Gizmodo has a guide to explain what in the heck we're supposed to do with cables. For those of us who get a wee bit frustrated wasting several hours with plugs, we thank the writers of the article. Oh, kudos to the photographer, too. Pictures are good for those of us who are thingamajig-deficient.

It's way past time:: A headline to perk up anyone's day: "House panel votes to cite Rove for contempt." Can we cite other Bush trolls for, oh, I don't know, giving us all an eight-year stomachache?

And one more time:: If you missed my blurb about Christian the lion (07.18.08), check this out. It's an update, complete with updated photos of the friends who made a whole lotta folks smile.

I'm outta time:: Apparently, I didn't adhere to my schedule today. Okay, I didn't really have a schedule. But I will. I'll halt my musings with another quote from the all-too-famous "unknown."

"Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you will find a hair stylist you like." ~Unknown

That's all she wrote. Today. Until later...

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