Friday, July 25, 2008

I Want To Believe

It's Friday. Just another 24 hours of time, spent wisely or foolishly. I'd like to think I've done something constructive today, that I'm seizing the day, but the jury's still out. Until midnight, at least.

He understood carpe diem:: Randy Pausch, professor, father, husband, friend, author and inspirational person died today at 47. What a wonderful gift he left by publishing his last lecture. Maybe it's just me on the river of Denial, but when you see someone like him on TV, you just "know" he'll beat the cancer. No such miracle happened in that area, but his approach to life is something to consider. Starting now.

The Who Knew? Department:: Half of the world's population has seen a 007 movie, according to the Did You Know site. I wonder what other things half of the world has seen or eaten or heard? I suppose this phenomena will not occur for the movie I'll see this weekend:: X-Files 2: I Want To Believe. I cringe at the critics' reviews. (This from someone who hasn't seen the movie yet.) But I have faith in two of my favorite TV characters, and two actors I enjoy.

True or not:: Pondering the wonders of all things X-File-y, MSNBC counts down six episode ideas that sparked real-life debates. I'm a prove-it-to-me person, but it's fun to speculate. Life continues to mystify the smartest of minds, of which I'm not.

It's a wonder:: The Library of Congress is a treasure trove of facts and fictions. So I checked out the sci/tech section, which holds an archive of everyday questions. For no particular reason, I clicked on the "why do boomerangs return" page. Um. The page said, "The boomerang page is temporarily unavailable. It is being revised. Check back soon for the completed page."

Is there something new in the world of boomerangs? Has something changed about their flight paths? I'll come back over and over and over until this issue is resolved.

Thwarted by that topic, I randomly moved my mouse to "Stone Skipping." It's not the most fascinating topic, but I did learn one thing: A group exists solely to study the subject. The National Stone Skipping Association, or NASSA, informed me the magic angle with a spinning stone and the water should be at about 20 degrees to get the most skips. And that's the truth.

Quote O' The Day:: "I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well." ~Diane Ackerman

Randy Pausch certainly understood that sentiment; perhaps we can all grab the thought before it drifts away.

And that's all she wrote. Today. Until later...


Anonymous said...

You just have to accept not everyone has seen the 007 movies. Why - sometimes it is just because everyone else was seeing them. I really don't know. If I had seen any of them, it would have been the ones with Sean Connery. Sigh. And I wouldn't say, in your words, that I was a pin head. Love that term.

Katherine said...

Hello, simba's mom:: I just now noticed your comment (it's August 25 today). I don't think I implied anyone was a pinhead for not watching James Bond movies -- heck I've only seen a couple of 'em, and they don't do anything for me. I was intrigued that so many people have seen them; maybe I didn't make that clear.

Anyhoo, as a pinhead myself, thanks for stopping by.
