Monday, July 28, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday

The week begins. And I'm already ranting and raving. Perhaps a quote from, oh, a humorist, will cheer me up. So...

Quote O' The Day:: "Senator: Person who makes laws in Washington when not doing time." ~ Mark Twain

Hmm. Smart guy, that Twain. But he could have included a rollcall of Washington insiders, not just senators, including a certain Department of Justice employee.

Rant:#1:: All day media outlets have been jabbering about Valerie Goodling, the 35-year-old pinhead involved in the illegal -- and certainly inappropriate -- interviewing and hiring of Department of Justice prosecutors. Let's see, The Department of Justice is the law and order branch of our government. Law. And Order.

But you probably read about her, ahem, dubious rejections of prosecutors with outstanding records.

Let's check out these characters. One applicant was stamped REJECT because of his "wife's political affiliations." Another was tossed out because he "appeared to be a liberal Democrat." And of course, the woman "rumored to be a lesbian" had to be kicked off the list. The nerve of these people to think they could follow the law as carefully as Ms. Goodling.

But Valerie Goodling violated federal law. Gee, I'm confused. So she, a federal lawbreaker, decided -- unlawfully -- who can prosecute people like her in America.

And she's an art critic, too:: The very same Valerie Goodling was outed as the person behind "Curtaingate." Remember that "disgraceful" partially nude sculpture of Lady Justice in the Justice Department's Great Hall? Neveryoumind that the sculpture was commissioned in 1933 for $7,000 by well-known artist C. Paul Jennewein. (He did a whole bunch of cool Art Deco-style stuff, and in fact, created 57 sculpture-style elements in that same building.)

Either Herbert Hoover or Franklin Delano Roosevelt must have lost their moral compass to have allowed such filth to be installed. Thank goodness Ms. Goodling was around to ensure that taxpayers spent $7,000 for blue drapes to cover the abominable art.

In conclusion:: Goodling is 35 years old. How can someone that young be so delusional? Valerie, stop hiding behind The Fifth Amendment and go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Read books about why The United States of America was founded. Didn't they teach history when you attended Pat Robertson's university?

Rant#2:: The couple in British Columbia who were proud to announce the birth of their 18th child over the weekend. I saw this story in many different places, but nothing was mentioned about how Ma and Pa support this brood. We all know how easy it is to support 18 children in this day and age. Well, no, actually we don't. The proud pop made it clear that "...because we believe life comes from God and that's the reason we did not stop the life."

Oh, that's clear, all right. So does "we did not stop the life" mean they couldn't use birth control, which was invented by someone else "made by God?" These folks need to check out a site about overpopulation, like this one.

Memo to the new parents:: Over 6.5 billion people occupy Earth, and we're straining resources beyond anyone's imagination. Your insensitivity to the world around you is beyond belief, and is not "happy" news. So please, STOP BREEDING.

Rave:: It's time for me to go to YouTube and re-watch the Geico ad that features a "real person" and Mrs. Butterworth, "talking syrup bottle." Everytime I watch this spot, I laugh out loud. Don't miss the end -- it's priceless.

That's all she wrote. Today. Until later...


hotcar said...

I love your sense of humor and insight. The Valerie idiot should be brought up on some kind of ethics charges or worse. Who is this bimbo think she is. Oh yeh, part of the Bush Administration. Oh wait, they are suppose to be non-political....oh yeh!
The breeding farm you talked about is disgusting and stupid doesn't even cover it. They should be fined and I am sure they are gove't support and that whould be cut off. Ignorance does not equal bliss in this case. People are weird.

Katherine said...

Hotcar::Thanks for the compliment.
And thanks for reading.

I'm pretty realistic about what goes on in politics, but this Valerie chick got my goat yesterday. Can you imagine if she were a human resources manager at McDonald's, or FedEx, or Target? She'd be out the door. It's just incredible that our government would allow someone like her to disregard qualifications to further her bizarro world agenda.

And the breeding farm up north? Interesting concept -- fine people who have too many children. I need to think more about that -- sounds like a good idea.
